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CENTRAL VIEW for Monday, March 4, 2024

by William Hamilton, Ph.D.

Sorosus plots the destruction of Rome

Political satire: Hidden in the catacombs of ancient Rome, the traitor, Sorosus, and his son, Alexus, critique their efforts to bring down the Roman Empire:

"Unfortunately," said, Sorosus, " we could not overcome Rome’s Capitalissmus economy and the Legions of Ronaldus Maximus and Bushus the Elder, albeit Clintonus, Bushus the Younger, Obamus, and Bidenus* have been helpful. Especially, Obamus and Bidenus*.. But still, our efforts to make the Romans hate themselves and each other are on track. Actually, exciting people to hate each other is rather easy, It is fashionable among some so-called elites to never root for their home team. There are some Romans who favor the Milanus Yankeeus over our Roman Nationalus."

"Yes, said Alexus, "and getting the slave owners to free some of their slaves and getting the non-slave owners to hate the former slave owners and themselves for not opposing slavery early enough was a stroke of genius. And your idea to get the Romans, whether they or even their ancestors who never had slaves to spring for free Pizza even for workers who had never been slaves is another stroke of genius."

"Actualy, the credit goes to Criticalus Racialis Theory (CRT)." "But, Pater, some of Tribunes still speak out against us."

"Filius (son), we must shut down free speech. Whoever speaks out in favor of Rome must be branded a pro-slavery racist. The Romans are too proud of their ’citizenship,’ and its voting rights. They must be made to despise Rome and not want to make it great again."

"Fortunately, Pater, I have plenty of fake ostra** for tomorrow’s election. We will ’ostracize’ the candidates we oppose, if I may coin a phrase. But, even so, Pater, Trumpus Maximus, the former Tribute we detest is popular with many Romans!"

"Filius, I don’t give a flying fig about the vox populi. So, at midnight, throw open the gates to Rome. Order every one of those migrant multitudes yearning for a free Pizza to fake a fake ostra and tell them to put them in pile for Bidenus*. But never forTrumpus or Ronaldus DeSantisum."

"Will do, Pater. But, but after tomorrow, what are we supposed to do with all those migrant multitudes?" "Filius, If we are not able to collapse the Romans from within, we simply replace the Roman population with the migrant multitudes. It may take a while; however, by the year MMXXX, it could happen." "But, Pater, the migrants are peeing in the Trevi Fountain. They stole the towels from my favorite bath house and there is excrementium everywhere. The Pox is back and so are cases of tuberculosis, polio, malaria, and measles."

"Sorry, Filius, that’s part of my planned chaos. Given enough chaos, the Romans will revolt and bring down their entire Empire and their racist Western Civilization."

"Well, Pater, I dare say you have thought of everything." "Perhaps, I just hope our fanning the fires of racial resentment will make Nero look like a fire warden."

**Before paper ballots, the ancients used stones called "ostra" The candidate with the largest pile of "ostra." won. The loser was "ostracized."

Suggested reading: The War on the West, by Douglas Murray, 2022.

©2024. William Hamilton.

©1999-2024. American Press Syndicate.

Dr. Hamilton can be contacted at:


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