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CENTRAL VIEW for Monday, February 12, 2024

by William Hamilton, Ph.D.

Invasion and the Fall of the Great Empires

Today, one wonders if we are coming to the end of the American Empire? And, if so, are there any warning signs that we might heed and, thereby, avoid or postpone a horrible fate?

History tells us that Great Empires fall due to a combination of causes. Mainly due to invasion by outsiders along with the collapse of the Empire’s central core values, its loss of patriotic cohesion, and due to the unwillingness of its elites to pay the taxes needed to pay for the goods and the infrastructure that make membership in the empire attractive to its masses. Oh, and now and then throw in a plague, real or false (think Covid), and maybe a famine or two.

For example, Hellenistic Greece, weakened by its often squabbling city-states was invaded by the Macedonian, Alexander the Great, and fell. But with the untimely death of Alexander, the Romans invaded Greece and incorporated the Greeks into the Roman Empire that went on to rule Europe from Greece in the south to the border of Scotland in the north.

In 476 A.D., Rome fell for several reasons. Check to see if any of them apply to today’s America: 1. Invasion by Barbarian tribes. (Our open Borders?) 2. Economic crises due to overspending (Our national debt?). 3. The rise of competing empires (China?) 4. Over expansion and military spending (Our forever wars, either direct or by proxy such as Ukraine?). 5. Government corruption and political instability. (Congressional insider trading? BLM? Antifa? Election fraud? Senile leadership? Pro Hamas? Anti-Semitism?) 6. Internal subversion by Barbarian tribes allowed to settle inside Italy (Pockets of cartels living inside the USA and selling lethal drugs?) 7. The loss of ancient Roman values. (Trans-Genderism and DEI?) 8. Collapse of the Roman Legions (The Afghanistan withdrawal debacle?)

NB: Drinking wine from lead goblets drove some Roman Emperors mad. If Tupperware ™ had been invented 1,500 years earlier, we might be speaking Latin.

The fall of the Inca and Aztec Dynasties was due to invasion by the Spanish Conquistadors. NB: Even though Columbus was born in Italy, the Italians never took part in the plunder of Central and South America. So, feel free to celebrate Columbus Day.

Bear in mind, the purpose of a successful invasion is a population swap. The population within which you and I grew up, be it white, black, Latino, or Native American, is being submarined by the over nine million illegal migrants who have been allowed to run around loose inside our borders since January 20, 2021, the advent of the Biden* Administration.

Conspiracy theorists might say the invasion is directed by the World Economic Forum or the U.N. Alternatively, it just may be that the starving "huddled masses" understand that socialism does not produce the amount of "stuff" they want and so they have formed, with the help of the "useful idiots" in Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs), a thick, unending column of illegal immigrants aimed at marching across our southern border. A column that would make the Roman Legions proud.

Sadly, it may be too late to save the America as we knew it. Unless, nine million illegal migrants are deported, we can probably kiss our shining "City upon a Hill" goodbye.

©2024. William Hamilton.

©1999-2024. American Press Syndicate.

Dr. Hamilton can be contacted at:


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