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CENTRAL VIEW for Monday, December 4, 2023

by William Hamilton, Ph.D.

Chaos: The penultimate step to Revolution

Okay. If Chaos is the penultimate step, what is the ultimate goal? Well, we will get to that in a moment.

The only way historians can predict the future (and often fail) is to examine how previous events unfold. Recall, most every major Revolution involved a period of Chaos before the Revolution reached its ultimate outcome.

For example, in pre-revolutionary France, bad weather caused crop failures, slick, socialist lawyers in Paris convinced "Les Miserables" workers and farmers to bring their pitchforks and flaming torches to the streets of Paris, leading to the murders of King, Queen, Clergy, Aristocrats, and, ironically, some of the slick lawyers. The resulting Chaos paved the way for the eventual installation of (Voila!) the Dictator Napoleon Bonaparte.

Marx and Lenin, and later, Alinsky taught that Chaos was the necessary precursor to the goal of what, at first, appears to be the Dictatorship of the Proletariat, the workers. But that always ends up to be the Dictatorship of the Nomenklatura, the Communist Party bosses.

NB: Most revolutions are against the existing regime. Instead, the American colonists wanted more, not less, of the rights and benefits of their British cousins. Another contrast: When the chaotic war was over, they offered General George Washington a Dictatorship. George Washington, like the Roman General Cincinnatus (519-430 B.C.) refused and went back to farming.

Okay. Let’s look around today’s Chaotic world. There is war in Ukraine and war in Gaza. Some students demonstrate their ignorance of the history of the Middle East. Black Africans kill each other wholesale in Africa and here. Somali pirates disrupt shipping lanes. Virtual worldwide access to TV showing the riches of Western Civilization provokes a mass migration of have-nots to places where people have. Four years of the Biden* Administration are destroying the U.S. economy and driving the nation into possibly unrecoverable debt. We have street violence unchecked by Woke hand-cuffed and defunded police. Our borders are open for anyone (sans health checks) to cross. Polio, Small Pox, and Malaria are back.

Tucker Carlson says he has a gut feeling that something terrible will happen during the next 12 months. Yes, Tucker, the Chaos is building and it could be due to some group -- the modus operandi follows the Communist playbook -- hoping the Chaos will explode into a bloody revolution ending with, you guessed it, the Dictatorship of the Nomenklatura.

But are Americans capable of the cruelty necessary to enforce such a dictatorship? Well, look no further than James Michener’s The Bridge at Andaa, researched by Michener in 1956 as Hungarian refugees crossed the Andau Bridge in the wake of their aborted revolution against a brutal Soviet occupation. Based on the horrors that certain Hungarians in the Soviet-controlled State Protection Authority inflicted on

fellow Hungarians, Michener concluded that every nation has at least 30,000 sadists who will leap at the chance to torture and kill their fellow citizens. They are largely uneducated and from the lower rungs of society but willing to do the bidding of so-called educated elites who do not want to get their hands dirty. Or, perhaps, they are too busy ordering the genital mutilation of children. Narcissistic parents, combined with sociopath surgeons, just add to the Chaos.

NB: Germans capitalize all nouns plus the pronoun Sie. Sometimes, for clarity, this column follows that practice.

©2023. William Hamilton. -30-

NB: The Author Tab at features two photos of Wonder Wife.

©1999-2024. American Press Syndicate.

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