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CENTRAL VIEW for Thursday, November 9, 2023

by William Hamilton, Ph.D.

Human reproduction: Is it doomed?

Professor Yuval Noah Harari says Homo Sapiens have two drives: Survival and Reproduction. The previous "Central View" used satire to explore Survival and, at the same, illustrate one of the stupid causes of anti-Semitism.

So now, we turn to Reproduction, a relatively simple process involving a male providing sperm to an egg inside a female who, after about nine months, produces another human being.

But "normal" males and females do not willing reproduce with just any male or female who crosses their path. Humans are genetically programmed to "select," reproduction partners who look like they will be fit and able to continue the species.

For example, males are programmed to look for females with a body shape that suggests the fitness and stamina to reproduce and provide enough breast milk to get the baby on its booties, so to speak. So, lusting after a female with ample breasts is not just a Playboy Magazine fantasy, it is a genetically programmed urge to produce a baby with a good chance of survival.

Note: Alcohol consumption can cause a reduction in selection criteria; especially, when the bars draw near to closing time. Females are programmed to look for males who look like they can provide food and protection while the female is occupied with child-bearing and, usually, beyond. Stone simple, right?: Well, it was. Now, the natural reproduction process is threatened by something called: Transgenerism.

Quoted below is an excerpt from a speech by Christopher F. Rulo. It was printed in the September 2023 issue of Imprimis, a publication of Hillsdale College.

"The transgender movement is pressing its agenda everywhere. Most publicly, activist teachers are using classrooms to propagandize on its behalf and activist health professionals are promoting the mutilation of children under the euphemistic banner of ’gender-affirming care.’ The sudden and pervasive rise of this movement provokes two questions: where did it come from, and how has it proved so successful? The story goes deeper than most Americans know.

"In the late 1980s, a group of academics, including Judith Butler, Gayle Rubin, Sandy Stone, and Susan Stryker, established the disciplines of ’queer theory’ and ’transgender studies.’ These academics believed gender to be a ’social construct’ used to oppress racial and sexual minorities, and they denounced the traditional categories of man and woman as a false binary that was conceived to support the system of ’heteronormativity’—i.e., the white, male, heterosexual power structure. This system, they argued, had to be ruthlessly deconstructed. And the best way to achieve this, they argued further, was to promote transgenderism. If men can become women, and women men, they believed, the natural structure of Creation could be toppled..."

But can transgenderism topple over 2.5 million years of males coupling with females to carry on the Human species? Well, some pretty strange things have happened:

After the Holocaust, we thought anti-Semitism was dead. Prior to 2021, the U.S. was the world’s biggest oil and gas producer and was selling our surplus oil to other countries. Autogas was $2.19 per gallon. Our southern border was relatively in order and not overrun by ten million illegal migrants. Inflation was 1.4 percent.*

Given four more years of this and your boy may be shopping at Victoria’s Secret while your girl shops at Ace Hardware, Home Depot, and Bud’s Gun Shop. *All data from official sources.

©2023. William Hamilton.

©1999-2024. American Press Syndicate.

Dr. Hamilton can be contacted at:


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