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CENTRAL VIEW for Monday, October 30, 2023

by William Hamilton, Ph.D.

Fascism and the plucking of the American Eagle

Recently, the term "Nazi" appeared in surprising places. Who knew so many college administrators, professors, students, and TV talking heads were anti-Jewish, anti-Israel, neo-Nazis? Saying such drivel about Blacks or Hispanics would get them fired or expelled.

Maybe they don’t understand what it means to be a Nazi? So, let’s go back to Mussolini who took his party’s name and symbol from a bunch of sticks (fascio) bound together to form a column. Viola! The Fascist Party.

Today, we label the Nazis and the Communists as Fascists because their creeds share the same Fascist operating principles: The life of the individual is directed entirely by the State. Opposition to the State is suppressed, if necessary, by violence. Opposition candidates are jailed or eliminated. [Sound familiar?] Criticizing the State is a crime punishable as treason. Any organizations that question the ruling elite are illegal.

We, however, think Fascism, by any name, is opposed to Judeo-Christian thinking as codified in the U.S. Constitution, our Declaration of Independence, and by our Bill of Rights.

But wait. By definition, radical Islam also qualifies as a Fascist ideology. And, while we Judeo-Christians have been able to defeat Nazi Germany and -- via the Cold War -- defeat Communist Russia, radical Islam presents the non-Muslim world (not just us) with an implacable enemy that will not listen to reasonable peace proposals and exhorts its followers to kill every last one of us, starting with the Jews. And yet, certain elites defend Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran. Go figure.

More immediately, we are confronted by Antifa (a contraction of anti-fascism) that acts as the epitome of Fascism. And by BLM which, in actual practice, stands for Burn, Loot, and Murder. Think of the States of Oregon, Washington, Minnesota, and California and all the major cities under one-party rule from which legitimate business must flee from unpunished smash-and-grab theft.

How did these evidences of Fascism come to infect the United States? Slowly. For example, Mussolini famously said, "If you pluck a chicken one feather at a time, nobody will ever notice that, at some point, the chicken is wholly without feathers."

And that brings us to today’s America. Prior to 2009 and the advent of Obama/Biden* regimes, the United States, the victor of WWII, the creator of the Marshall Plan that put the world’s economy back on its feet, the guarantor of Freedom of the Seas for all, the victor of the Cold War, and the world’s top economic power, was an Eagle with a full set of feathers.

But, ever since 2009, the American Eagle has suffered a slow, but steady, plucking of its feathers, AKA "taking America down a peg or two," as President Obama put it.

Today, our Executive Branch is led by someone well past his "sell-by" date. In the Legislative Branch, the House GOP finally elected a conservative and God-fearing Speaker. But our Judicial Branch is filled with too many Federal Judges who are more politically partisan than objective.

Neo-con Hawks on the far Left and Right want us to spend billions in places where we have no vital interests at stake and could get us into an unwinnable World War III. If ever a time for Prayer and Vigilance, this is it!

2023. William Hamilton.

©1999-2024. American Press Syndicate.

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