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CENTRAL VIEW for Monday, June 5, 2023

by William Hamilton, Ph.D.

Human evolution: Relentlessly, on target

Like all animal species, the evolution and future of Homo sapiens (Latin for wise man) rests on two primal drives: First, to find sufficient food. Secondly, to find another Homo sapiens* with whom to procreate and thus insure the survival of the species. Males are Homo sapiens with both the X and the Y chromosome. Females are Homo sapiens with two X chromosomes. Historically, males have been good at providing food and defending against predators, be they other species or other Homo sapiens. Many females are good at providing food but, due to generally smaller size, are less capable at defense. Females are the only Homo sapiens who can produce children, which is their unique contribution to the continued existence of Homo sapiens.

Nota bene: I labor to explain these facts because they must be lost on the CEOs of a handful of American corporations who want to advertise and sell products that run counter to the immutable forces of human evolution. Using store displays designed to encourage male children to become females and encouraging female children to become males is a business model doomed to fail. A fact illustrated by the steep drop in the stock value of the corporations that embark along the incomprehensible path of opposing Homo sapiens evolution.

But, in addition to the folly of opposing biological facts, there is the folly of flying in the face of long-held cultural norms. For example, most males want to prove themselves to be a "real" man who can provide food and procreation to "real" women. While "real men" want many things; rest assured, being seen as a "sissy" is not one of them. At the beach, the sissy gets sand in his face as the bully steals his only hot dog. Consequently, "real women" who want both food and children spurn the sissy. Ergo: No "real" man wants to be seen drinking a sissy beer.

We should not assume the CEOs who promote the "tranny-sphere" slept through Biology 101 and Psychology 101. Some could be the victims of the shakedown game perfected by race-baiters such as Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton, meaning: "Contribute! Conform! Or face a long series of costly lawsuits." Alternatively, maybe they are committed to their own vision of how the world should work. Either way, they have fallen into the trap of setting up the classic cultural confrontation between "them" vs. "us."

One suspects the usually harried Mothers of America would like to do their back-to-school shopping without having to navigate around racks of tranny-sphere specialty items hitherto found in specialty shops selling tattoos, nose rings, porn videos, and satanic costumes.

And so, here we are on the cusp a presidential election year in which the concerns of the vast majority "us" will be pitted vs. the concerns of the statistically miniscule "them." As the classicist scholar Victor Davis Hanson puts it: "The Left is waging a full-fledged cultural revolution against traditional America." With good reason, election results have become suspect. Therefore, the path this revolution will take is very much in doubt.

*Singular or plural, the spelling is always: Homo sapiens.

Suggested reading: Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind, by Yuval Noah Harari, 2014.

©2023. William Hamilton.

©1999-2024. American Press Syndicate.

Dr. Hamilton can be contacted at:


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