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CENTRAL VIEW for Monday, May 1, 2023

by William Hamilton, Ph.D.

Circa: 2050: The Late, Great USA

Satire: In the year 2050, at mid-century, historians could be writing these words: "The first quarter of the 21st Century saw four major trends in the life of the United States of America. They were: 1. Unilateral Disarmament. 2. Demilitarization of its Armed Forces. 3. The de-Americanization of traditional American culture. 4. The subordination of the MSM to the Deep State.

"Unilateral Disarmament began in 1993 when the Clinton Administration spent the so-called ’peace dividend’ gained during the Reagan/Gorbachev/George H.W. Bush Era on social welfare programs. Unilateral Disarmament accelerated in 2009 with President Obama’s promise ’to fundamentally transform the United States of America,’ and to ’take America down a peg or two’ as evidenced by President Obama’s focus on a convoluted medical insurance scheme at the expense of concerns about national defense.

"Further disarmament was accelerated in 2021 when the Biden Administration abandoned $80 billion dollars of military equipment in Afghanistan to the victorious Taliban, followed by shipping America’s basic load of ammunition and armored vehicles to Ukraine for destruction by Russian forces in 2023-2024-2025.

"During the years spanning from Clinton through Biden, the U.S. military was de-militarized by ridding its conventional forces of their warrior spirit. Following Vladimir Putin’s 2012 proxy attack on the U.S. Mission in Benghazi, President Obama cashiered over 200 generals and admirals who wanted to rescue the beleaguered U.S. garrison in Benghazi and respond to Putin’s proxy attack with force.

|"The objective of the de-militarization of the military was to create a Bud-Lite-drinking, non-threatening ’job corps’ for men, women and transsexuals trained to address each other with their preferred pronouns. U.S. Army recruiting Adverts featured a child celebrating that her ’two mommies’ served in the U.S. Army. Meanwhile, Russian recruiting Adverts appealed for warriors who could rip your heart out with one hand.

"The subordination of the MSM to the Deep State began when Mark Felt, the deputy director of the FBI, hand-fed the details of the Watergate break-in to reporters Woodward and Bernstein. Increasingly dependent on self-serving Deep State "leaks," the MSM became a group-think propaganda organ of the Deep State and its supporting political party. The top-rated journalist who dared to speak "truth to power" was dismissed.

"By the end of the second Biden Administration, the White Anglo-Saxon Protestant/Catholic Work Ethic was dead, replaced by the Diversity-Equity-Inclusion ’woke’ Movement. All the study-hard, work-hard, law-abiding, money-saving, anti-litter values that created the most powerful nation on earth were dismissed as the products of white racism.

"Like the ’Good Germans’ of the 1930s, few protested what was happening until it was too late. The Marxist/Alinsky-inspired ’woke’ forces seized the major organs of civilized society, including academe, public education, entertainment, and the news media (et tu Murdoch?), The ’Good Americans’ found themselves disarmed and helpless to object to the despotism that stole their freedoms.

"History records that military forces can be rearmed. Given robust training, their martial fighting spirit can be restored. But military forces are always reflective of the general society from which they arise. Therefore, of all the movements that destroyed the America of the early 21st Century, it was de-Americanization that struck the worst and fatal blow." Satire ends. Or, does it?

Suggested reading: "Requiem for the Legacy Media" by Kelly Johnston, April 25, 2023, Substack: The de-Valuing of America, by William J. Bennett, 1992. Slouching Toward Gomorrah, by Robert H. Bork, 2003. War During Peace: A Strategy for Defeat, by William Hamilton, 2023. (royalties go to disabled veterans). The Dying Citizen: How Progressive Elites, Tribalism, and Globalization Are Destroying the Idea of America, by Victor Davis Hanson, 2022. Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy, Audible Audiobook by Eric Metaxis, Timothy Keller, et al. 2020

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