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CENTRAL VIEW for Monday, March 21, 2022

by William Hamilton, Ph.D.

Ukraine vs. Russia: Negotiations 101

First of all, given the skill of the Chicom and Russian intelligence services, you can bet the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop were known to the Chicoms and Russians prior to the 2020 presidential election. To prevent the reelection of President Trump, the Chicoms, the Russians, the New York Times, and the MSM made sure that most American voters would not know the details of the Biden* crime family’s foreign influence-peddling operations. They would not know that the Big Guy (Joe Biden*) demanded a cut of the money Hunter and his uncle, Jim, were raking in from foreign governments.

Even with all the mail-in ballot fraud and ballot harvesting, Biden* only "won" by 43,000 votes spread over three key swing-states; Arizona, Georgia, and Wisconsin. Had the Hunter Biden laptop truth been known, President Trump most likely would be reelected and we would not be facing a war in Ukraine and all the other disastrous Biden* administration programs we have seen since January 20, 2021.

Why is that tawdry history important today? Because if the Chicoms and/or Russians choose to do so, they can overpower the Hunter Biden laptop-hiding MSM and blow the Biden* Administration right out of office. When you know your political future is held hostage by foreign powers, the foreign powers, not the best interests of United States, are in charge of any negotiations.

To have any chance of success, negotiations to end the Russian invasion of Ukraine must be conducted in total secrecy. Press leaks will kill the process.

Each side must be prepared to make some painful concessions. Each side must be able to come away with something they value more than the concessions they had to make in order to reach an agreement.

In exchange for the total withdrawal of Russian troops and the cessation of air attacks, Ukraine will probably have to give up any sovereignty claims over the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, Crimea, and make a pledge to never join the NATO collective security alliance. Also, maybe a pledge to no longer accept CIA paramilitary Mobile Training Teams on Ukrainian soil.

But what about all the Ukrainians and others killed by Russian forces? The families ripped apart? What about all the buildings and public works destroyed by Russian air, missile, and artillery attacks? Surely, Ukraine deserves reparations. The negotiations could well hang up over the reparations issue. How much could Putin give without being thrown into a cell in the basement of the Lubyanka Prison?

Meanwhile, the war goes on. Against Russian tanks, the Ukrainians have the Javelin anti-tank missiles. But need more. Against Russian helicopters and low-flying aircraft, the Ukrainians have the Stinger missiles. But need more. To silence Russian artillery, the Ukrainians must interdict Russian supply lines. Without shells to fire, an artillery piece is just a piece of harmless metal.

But, most importantly, the Ukrainian must have the means to achieve at least air parity over the skies of Ukraine. Bulgaria, Greece, and Slovakia are sending their old S-300 Russian air defense systems to Ukraine. The U.S. can and should compensate any NATO member that sends its air defense system to Ukraine by sending them the U.S. Patriot air- and missile-defense system. A win-win for all; except the Russians.

*Election disputed.

Suggested reading: Rigged: How the Media, Big Tech, and the Democrats Seized our Elections, by Molly Hemingway and Elizabeth Railing, 2021.

©2022. William Hamilton.

©1999-2025. American Press Syndicate.

Dr. Hamilton can be contacted at:


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