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CENTRAL VIEW for Monday, June 28, 2021

by William Hamilton, Ph.D.

Dong Jinwei: Too hot to handle?

Many, many years ago, our unheard of (by design) counterintelligence unit was charged with the protection of our nuclear-weapons storage sites in northern West Germany, and the Netherlands from enemy sabotage and espionage. Our mission did not include the recruiting of foreign agents; however, on occasion, Germans who had been working against us for the Soviet Union "walked in."

Our chief knew the minute we reported a "walk in" up the chain of command the Christians-in-Action (CIA) would come swooping down to take our "prize" off our hands. Therefore, in order to buy time for us to find out where the Atomgegner (anti-nuclear weapons saboteurs) planned to strike next, our reporting was rather, ah, slow.

Fast forward: Now, the U.S. intelligence community (IC) is atwitter with a rumor that the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) has been keeping mum about Dong Jinwei who, until his defection to the DIA (not the usual CIA or FBI) was in charge of the Chicom’s overseasintelligence gathering operations.

But why did Dong Jinwei place his life and that of his daughter in the hands of the DIA and not the CIA or the FBI? One can speculate that someone as knowledgeable about the U.S. as Dong Jinwei would reckon the DIA is the least political organ of the U.S. IC. Consequently, the dirt Dong Jinwei no doubt has on prominent U.S. political figures and others would be less likely to be swept under the political rug.

Dong Jinwei’s defection is a catastrophic blow to the Chicoms. So, we can assume Chicom President Xi would do anything to get Dong Jinwei back or silence him before he can tell everything he knows.

The inevitable leaks from the IC suggest Dong Jinwei would know if the Wuhan virus was bio-warfare unleashed upon the world by the Chinese military or not. He would know what role, if any, was played by Dr. Anthony Fauci, the CDC, and the WHO. Dong Jinwei would know if the nefarious dealings described on Hunter Biden’s laptop were factual or not. Dong Jinwei would know what role, if any, the Chicoms played in the 2020 presidential election.

A fair assumption is that President Xi is demanding that President Biden* return Dong Jinwei and his daughter to Chicom custody. But why would the U.S. return Dong Jinwei and his daughter to face certain torture and death? An act that would tell prospective defectors that the U.S. should not be trusted. In order to get Dong and daughter back, President Xi would have to have something very powerful to trade.

Maybe trade a promise not to invade Taiwan? Maybe a promise to withdraw the Chinese military from the oil-rich Spratly Islands? Maybe to take his heel off the people of Hong Kong? Or, maybe a clamp of secrecy on Hunter Biden’s financial activities in Red China? Maybe a promise not to tell what role, if any, the Chicoms played in the 2020 presidential election?

Dong Jinwei might be one of those defectors who embarrass both sides. Unfortunately for Dong Jinwei, our Witness Protection Program (WITSEC) is run by the DOJ and the FBI. He might want to stick with the DIA.

* Election disputed.

©2021. William Hamilton.

©1999-2024. American Press Syndicate.

Dr. Hamilton can be contacted at:


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