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CENTRAL VIEW for Monday, June 14, 2021

by William Hamilton, Ph.D.

Socialism: Mere denunciation is the verdict

Looking back at a series of Rasmussen Polls (usually, the most accurate of all polling) one sees the American members of Generations X, Y (AKA Millennials), and Z have very little understanding of the devastation brought upon the world by Socialism in the 20th and 21st Centuries.

Why? Since the liberal takeover of public education in the 1970s, the subject has been largely ignored. Consequently, the USA has over 205 million potential voters (generations X, Y, and Z combined) who, unless they are history buffs, have no understanding of what America -- under Socialism -- could be like.

Sometimes, historical fiction is the best way to teach history to those who have reached adulthood and are getting on with their busy lives. Maybe they could find time to read a novel? For example, Kate Quinn’s The Huntress gives the reader a look into the lives of a group of Soviet women aviators during World War II.

The story of the Soviet Union’s female bomber pilots (the Night Witches) not only celebrates the incredible bravery and flying skills of three entire regiments of Russian women, it provides chilling insight into how Marxist/Leninist, Stalinist Socialism eventually feeds its most loyal citizens into the cannibalistic jaws of Socialist paranoia.

The story’s Nina Borisovna Markova, an exceptional navigator and pilot, flies 1,616 nighttime attacks on Nazi troops. She earns several medals for her courage, valor and flying skill and is about to be named a Hero of the Soviet Union (equivalent to our Medal of Honor) when disaster strikes.

Her father, whom she detests and has not seen in years, is denounced by one of his Siberian neighbors for calling Stalin a nasty name. That means the entire family, to include the heroic Nina, is suspect. Nina won’t receive the USSR’s highest award. Instead, Nina will be put on trial, facing either execution or life in a Soviet Gulag work camp. Taking her future into her own hands, Nina flies "west with the night" in her little Po-2 biplane toward freedom.

Is Nina’s story relevant to today’s America? Yes, some people are fleeing Socialist states from around the world seeking entry into America, not just to escape the grinding poverty that Socialism brings on, but to live where ticking off your neighbor does not land you and your loved ones in a concentration camp or standing before a bloody, bullet-riddled wall.

As Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and other Socialist dictators have shown, all it takes to enslave a people is control of the Ministry of Justice (think DOJ), the federal police (think FBI), local police (defunded), the intelligence agencies (the IC), and the military under the thumb of political Defense and Service Secretaries.

On Election Day, November 8, 2022, and again on Election Day November 5, 2024, (assuming honest elections), we will see if Americans are going to arrest the Biden Regency’s* deep dive into Socialism. Or, not. Let us pray that Americans recover enough faith in elections to make their decisions with the ballot box, rather than with the ammo box.

* Regency defined: When one rules in place of another.

Suggested Reading: The Huntress by Kate Quinn, 2019. West with the Night by Beryl Markham, 1942.

©2021. William Hamilton.

©1999-2025. American Press Syndicate.

Dr. Hamilton can be contacted at:


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