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CENTRAL VIEW for Monday, March 22, 2021

by William Hamilton, Ph.D.

Renaissance: Committees of Correspondence

American History 101: Back in the early 1770s, the citizens of the 13 Original Colonies felt they were not being accorded the same freedoms as their cousins back in Merry Old England. Even worse, they were being "taxed without representation" to pay for the British soldiers and sailors who were oppressing them. If the 13 Original Colonies were to present a united front to their English masters, the Patriots needed better internal communications.

There was no television, radio, Internet, e-mail or social media. Consequently, each of the 13 Original Colonies established its own Committee of Correspondence. King George, taking the role of modern Big Tech, imposed the "stamp act," a tax on all legal documents. An indirect form of censorship. The Townsend Acts forced the colonist to buy only English-made goods and to pay taxes on what they bought. By 1775, the colonists were fed up with King George and began an eight-year rebellion, resulting in the founding of the United States of America.

Today, because their presidential candidate was prevented from being reelected to the Oval Office, at least 74.2 million Americans must feel they are being "oppressed without representation." Those feelings are reinforced because the "winning" side could not resist bragging about how it orchestrated the largest election theft in American history. See: the February 4, 2021 issue of Time Magazine which is, once again, cited below.

Anyone who watches Cop shows on TV or knows police investigative procedure knows that a properly obtained confession is the gold standard for getting juries to convict. Time Magazine provides the "confession," all laid out in black and white.

Moreover, some lower courts are beginning to convict people for their acts of election fraud. The very fraudulent acts cited by President Trump and, hitherto, ignored. Some Appellate Courts are ruling that many of the officials in the swing states exceeded their authority with ad hoc rulings that made sure Biden’s* mail-in and even "too-late" ballots were counted but Trump ballots were not given the same advantage.

In the conservative Red States, Committees of Correspondence are experiencing a renaissance. For example, Ann Vandersteel, who could become the Joan of Arc of a Second American Revolution, is leading General McInerney’s Patriot Army.

Her objectives are: to identify like-minded patriot groups "trying to save the Republic," share best practices for reengaging and winning elections at the local level, coordinate funding sources, get rid of electronic voting machines, create playbooks, and conduct workshops. Ann Vandersteel can be contacted at: She is compiling contact information for similar groups in other states.

*Election disputed.

Suggested reading: "The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign that Saved the 2020 Election," by Molly Ball. Time Magazine,Feb. 4, 2021.

©2021. William Hamilton.

©1999-2024. American Press Syndicate.

Dr. Hamilton can be contacted at:


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