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CENTRAL VIEW for Monday, December 14, 2020

by William Hamilton, Ph.D.

Examined: The roots of the Socialist impulse

While we are waiting to see if this presidential election can be stolen or not, the ideological roots of the Socialist wing of today’s Democratic Party bear examination:

If Socialism were merely the idea that neighbors should help their neighbors, Socialism could do a lot of good. Unfortunately, Socialism is the quest by a few (mostly, intellectuals) to hold power over the Lumpenprolatariat, meaning the ignorant masses.

Socialism might sound new and exciting to those who have never seen Socialism in practice or have never read deeply into the history of Socialism. But Socialism is a political parasitoid, a parasite that sponges off of Capitalism with the ultimate goal of killing its host.

For Socialism to take root, Socialism needs victims, i.e. aggrieved masses. In Czarist Russia, the masses were powerless and starving, true victims of a ruthless, hereditary monarchy. In 1917, the Marxist-Leninists took power.

In 1919, after the Treaty of Versailles, many Germans felt victimized unfairly by the Allied Powers. In 1933, German feelings of victimization helped Hitler become the German dictator.

Beginning in 1937, the Chinese masses were ravaged by the Imperial Japanese invaders. During World War II and after, the Chinese masses were victimized by the inept and corrupt leadership of the Chinese Nationalists. Chairman Mao offered the Chinese masses the Communist illusion of hope.

Hitler, the National Socialist, and Stalin, the Marxist-Leninist Communist, used their control over their secret police and military to kill those whom Hitler and Stalin wanted killed. Chairman Mao figured out how to turn the masses against the masses and get the masses to kill each other. In that regard, Mao was a much more efficient killer than Hitler or Stalin. Of course, the purpose of the killing was to stifle all dissent. Combined, Hitler, Stalin, and Mao killed an estimated 185 million people.

But how could Socialism come to power in a nation like the United States, -- a land of prosperity such as the world has never seen before? Simple. Capture the mass media, public education, Hollywood, social media, and undermine religion. Use "identity politics" to convince the generally contented masses that they are all victims.

For example, if you are of color, you are a victim of systemic racism. If you are a woman of color, you are a double victim. If you are of color, male or female, and gay or transgender, you are a triple or quadruple victim. Then, use Madison Avenue, TV, and Hollywood to convince the fat, dumb, and happy, white, male, oppressors that they do not have as many possessions as they deserve to have. Voila! Everyone is a victim.

Next, you assemble a political coalition of victims using -- even election fraud -- to come to political power. And, once in power, a la Hitler, Stalin, and Mao, you alter the political system so that no opposing ideology can ever come to power again.

You pack the Supreme Court with your comrades. You bring additional States into the Union that will always prefer a Socialist welfare-state over free-market Capitalism. You make government the sole provider of health care and you have womb-to-tomb control over everyone. Finally, you achieve the ultimate in population control: determining who lives and who dies.

Suggested reading: The Communist Manifesto. Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, 1848. The Proud Tower. Barbara W. Tuchman, 1962. How Democracies Perish. Jean-Francois Revel, Translated, 1983. The Socialist Temptation. Iain Murray, 2020.

(c) 2020. William Hamilton.

©1999-2025. American Press Syndicate.

Dr. Hamilton can be contacted at:


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