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CENTRAL VIEW for Monday, August 24, 2020

by William Hamilton, Ph.D.

Mail-in ballots: The risks of voter fraud

Despite losing 227 to 304 in the Electoral College, Democrats and some Republicans-in-name-only (RINOs) refuse to accept the 2016 presidential election. What then, are the chances the Democrats and RINOs will abide by another presidential election loss in 2020? You decide.

Currently, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) has several possible options: 1. Try to win the election outright with Joe Biden and Kamala Harris leading their ticket. 2. Use mail-in voting in as many states as possible to enhance the possibility of stealing the election. 3. Lastly, should they lose again, use the left-leaning Mainstream Media (MSM) to undermine voter confidence in the validity of the outcome.

Irrespective of political affiliation, there are reasons to question using the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) as the medium to send out and return ballots. The problem begins, not with the USPS, but with how poorly some states maintain their voter registration rolls.

Most states are not in full compliance with Section 8, of the National Voter Registration Act of 1993. Consequently, many state voter registration rolls continue to include: convicted felons, dead people, people judged insane, and people who have moved to other states.

But the fault does not lie entirely with voter registration officials. Studies by the Direct-Mail industry reveal that every list of names and addresses sold to businesses or political campaign is at least 20-percent invalid on the day it is compiled. The same applies to telephone books. Why? Because Americans move around a lot and often fail to notify those who should be notified.

While we should assume that most U.S. postal workers are honest, the Trump Campaign might be concerned that both of the unions representing postal workers have instructed their members to vote for the Biden-Harris ticket. Unfortunately, there are documented cases of postal workers of both parties expressing their political preferences via acts of commission or acts of omission.

The practice by nine states plus D.C. of mailing a ballot to every registered voter increases the opportunities for voter fraud. In rural/mountain/America, millions of RFD postal boxes sit alongside the roadways unattended. Ballot harvesters can rifle through the boxes, pull out the ballots, alter the ballots to suit their needs, forge or Photoshop (c) the recipients’ signatures and cast the ballots. Sometimes, harvesters visit nursing homes and assisted-living centers offering the "public service" of collecting ballots and mailing them in.

Alternatively, once the ballots are mailed to registered voters, some ballot harvesters go door-to-door posing as voting officials and offering "voting assistance," to include mailing the ballots. Modern "flaps and seals" technology invented by the FBI and the CIA allow harvesters to open ballots for marking. With ballots in hand, the harvesters look for ballots favoring their party. Those ballots get mailed. The other ballots go in the trash.

While traditional "absentee voting," with its safeguards, has not been problematic, massive mail-in voting is fraught with opportunities for voter fraud. Unfortunately, over 80 million mail-in ballots may be cast in the 2020 elections, casting a shadow that either side might exploit.

Bottom line: Let’s say you have a winning Lotto ticket for One Million Dollars. How would you redeem it? Would you risk mailing it in? You decide.

(c) 2020. William Hamilton.

Suggested reading: The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx (1848), Nineteen-Eighty-Four by George Orwell (1940), Animal Farm by George Orwell (1945), and Brave New World by Aldous Huxley (1932).

©1999-2025. American Press Syndicate.

Dr. Hamilton can be contacted at:


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