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CENTRAL VIEW for Monday, March 19, 2007

by William Hamilton, Ph.D.

Tip for Lefties: NRA stickers could save your life

The Guantanamo Bay detainee, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (KSM), boasts, “I decapitated with my blessed right hand the head of the American Jew,”-- meaning the head of American journalist, Daniel Pearl. “For those who would like to confirm, there are pictures of me on the Internet holding his head,” said KSM.

He went on to claim the design of 30 additional terrorist events, to include the 9/11 attacks on American soil. If true, then KSM is complicit in the deaths of over 3,200 infidels.

Other than one photo showing KSM with a captured, but intact, Daniel Pearl, the gruesome picture claimed by KSM has, so far, eluded this writer. But if you’ve ever seen a photo of KSM, he isn’t likely to be attractive to any virgins on this planet. So, KSM may be polishing the “Infidels-Killed” portion of his resume in an attempt to boost his chances of bedding those 72 virgins in Muslim Paradise.

But let’s give KSM and the other Islamic fascists the benefit of the doubt. Let’s assume they will succeed in their announced goal of forcing the non-Muslim world to live under the Islamic Law of Sharia.

Question: Who would have the most to lose and who would have the most to gain should the goals of Osama bin Laden, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, et al, be achieved? According to radical Islamic teachings, the first infidels to suffer the sword of KSM would be: homosexuals, atheists and agnostics, those who take illegal drugs, drunks and those who engage in homosexual activities. Holy San Francisco, Batman! That sounds like the Lefties! But sleeping with numerous women might be a point in their favor.

Following the killing of those most offensive to Sharia, the Islamic fascists would, eventually, turn to those who offend them the least: those who do not drink alcohol, those who believe in a single God, those who have alms to give to the poor, those who don’t do drugs, those who don’t steal, those who don’t sleep with others outside of marriage, and those who don’t engage in homosexual activities, Holy Family Values, Batman! That sounds like a bunch of dull Conservatives!

Given the dictates of the Koran and the bloody evidence that the Islamic fascists aren’t kidding, one would think the strongest supporters of the War on Terror would be gays who don’t want to be beheaded, feminists who don’t want women’s liberation to evaporate or be stoned to death for adultery, young girls who don’t want their genitals mutilated, maidens who don’t want arranged marriages, atheists who don’t want to be drawn and quartered, sisters who don’t want to be “honor-killed” by their brothers, drunks and druggers who don’t want to be jailed cold turkey, and thieves who don’t want their hands cut off.

Therefore, the Lefties who are unwilling to support the efforts of our troops to save their secular-progressive hides, might consider some form of self-protection – like possession of a firearm to defend themselves and their families from the likes of KSM.

Logic would suggest the Lefties should be applauding the recent decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia in the case of Parker v. District of Columbia that ruled that the right of individuals to “keep and bear arms,” is guaranteed by the 2d Amendment and cannot be abridged by Congress or even lower forms of governmental life. Instead, the Lefties want the U.S. Supreme Court to reverse the lower court’s decision.

Interestingly, since the D.C. firearms ban of 1978, the D.C. murder rate is 26-percent higher than before the ban. By contrast, in those towns that have mandated home-protection firearms, the murder rate is almost zero.

So here’s a tip for Lefties who are reluctant to exercise their 2d Amendment rights: Put National Rife Association (NRA) membership stickers on your outer doors. Then, murderers like KSM may pass you by and visit that annoying neighbor down the street.

Syndicated columnist, William Hamilton, is a Distinguished Graduate of the U.S. Naval War College and a former research fellow at the U.S. Military History Institute of the U.S. Army War College. He is the co-author of The Grand Conspiracy and The Panama Conspiracy – two thrillers about terrorism directed against the United States.

©2007. William Hamilton.

©1999-2024. American Press Syndicate.

Dr. Hamilton can be contacted at:


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