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CENTRAL VIEW for Monday, March 4, 2002

by William Hamilton, Ph.D.

Western Civilization: some hard truths

This observer has had it with those who claim that the United States and Western Civilization are cruel, racist, anti-feminist, anti-Muslim, homophobic, sadistic torturers of women and children and prisoners of war. To hear them tell it, the United States and Western Civilization are the root causes of all evil in the world. While not perfect, it can be argued that Western Civilization has done this world a lot more good than harm. If you doubt that assertion, please take the following multiple-choice exam.

Who invented the practice of slavery in Africa? a. Americans b. Orientals c. Europeans d. Tribal chieftains

Who bought the slaves and began the African slave trade? a. European merchants b. Oriental merchants c. American merchants d. Arab merchants

Which civilization voluntarily ended the practice of slavery? a. Eastern. b. Aztec c. Mayan d. Western.

Which nation fought a civil war over the issue of slavery at the end of which the abolitionists won? a. China b. Russia c. Iran d. United States

Before and during World War II, which nation treated its POWs even more brutally than the NAZIs? a. Italy b. Turkey c. Egypt d. Japan

Since the creation of the Geneva Convention on the Treatment of Prisoners of War, which nation has accorded all POWs the humane treatment prescribed by the Geneva Convention even if the home country of the POWs did not sign the Geneva Convention? a. Iraq b. North Korea c. Soviet Union d. United States

Which nation murdered over six million Jews during World War II? a. United States b. Australia c. England d. Germany

Just prior to World War II, which nation deliberately starved over 20 million of its citizens? a. United States b. Germany c. Japan d. Soviet Union

Which “ism” killed the most people during the 20th Century? a. Capitalism b. Fascism c. Vegetarianism d. Communism

Which religion teaches that homosexuals should be executed? a. Christian b. Hebrew c. Buddhist d. Muslim

Which religion condones the genital mutilation of females? a. Christian b. Hebrew c. Buddhist d. Muslim

Which religion confers no rights upon women and declares that they are the vassals of men? a. Christian b. Hebrew c. Buddhist d. Muslim

Which religion was spread almost exclusively by evangelists using only the power of verbal persuasion? a. Buddhist b. Hebrew c. Muslim d. Christian

Which religion was spread almost exclusively by the power of the sword? a. Hebrew b. Christian c. Buddhist d. Muslim

The United States sent its armed forces into the former Yugoslavia (the Balkans) to prevent the slaughter of: a. Buddhists b. Greek Orthodox c. Roman Catholics d. Muslims

Instead of thanking the United States for defending its co-religionists in the Balkans, which religion has declared war on the United States? a. Buddhist b. Hebrew c. Catholic d. Muslim.

If you answered “d.” to all of the questions, move to the head of the class. The point of all this not to put down non-western civilizations or nations. The point is to prove that we westerners have a great deal about which we can be proud.

William Hamilton, a nationally syndicated columnist and commentator for USA Today, is the co-author of The Grand Conspiracy by William Penn – a novel about terrorism in Colorado’s high country. See:

©2002. William Hamilton

©1999-2024. American Press Syndicate.

Dr. Hamilton can be contacted at:


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