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CENTRAL VIEW for Monday, November 7, 2022

by William Hamilton, Ph.D.

November: A new birth of freedom?

In the fullness of time, we can only hope that competent historians will sort out the causes of what happened to the United States since January 20, 2021, and provide some valuable lessons learned. But, even at this early juncture, any rational observer would have to conclude that, despite the Covid complications, the U.S. was doing better prior to January 20, 2021, than after.

Historians are sure to ask: Why would the U.S. government take steps to end America’s independence from foreign oil and gas? Some apologists for the ending of U.S. energy independence say it was done to drive up gas prices at the pumps so Americans would embrace all-electric vehicles more quickly. Conspiracy theorists might say ending energy independence is only one part of a comprehensive plan to collapse America’s free-market Capitalist economy and pave the way for a Marxist/Socialist economy. Others might simply conclude: Stupid is as stupid does. Take your pick. But rest assured Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, Kim Jong-un, and the Iranian Mullahs are watching.

Those who would do us harm have excellent intelligence services. They know our military Capabilities in great detail. Intentions, however, are another matter. Our foes will look at the results of the mid-term elections and, more importantly, the outcome of the next presidential election to determine if we are a nation that wants to regain its preeminent position on the world stage or continue its post-2021 slide into being just another troubled nation among the many.

Still, if "flight Capital" is any indication, freedom-loving nations and individual investors continue to park their national and individual wealth inside U.S. vaults and/or in U.S. government bonds.

Based on his recent speeches, it appears that Vladimir Putin does not understand what Adam Smith and Milton Friedman had to say about Capital. Evidently, Putin thinks the U.S. is wealthy because we cheat. Putin has it backward. As one of Ayn Rand’s characters said in her classic novel Atlas Shrugged, "Money [wealth] is the barometer of the virtue of a society." Of course, American society is not without sin. But, compared to most other societies, our barometer has been near the top of the scale.

Putin does not realize that Capital has a life of its own. Capital seeks to increase. Capital seeks security. Capital goes where Capital is well treated. And that is within the world of free-market Capitalism.

Of course, there are Capitalist villains just like there are Socialist/Communist villains. But which economic system has lifted more of the masses out of poverty than the other? You decide.

But wait. Sound decision-making depends on factual information. Factual information depends on rigorous, fair-minded investigation by the reporters who write the first draft of history and by the historians who write the final chapters. The disgraceful abandonment of journalistic standards by the MSM is a serious blow to the making of sound decisions. If this writer knew the answer to that problem, you would be reading it right here.

Meanwhile, pray November provides a new birth of freedom and rescues America from left-wing, fascist rule by telephone, pen, and a teleprompter apparently programmed by the ghost of Joseph Stalin.

Suggested reading: Free to Choose by Milton and Rose D. Friedman, 1980. Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand, 1957. President Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, November 19, 1863.

©2022. William Hamilton. .

©1999-2025. American Press Syndicate.

Dr. Hamilton can be contacted at:


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