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CENTRAL VIEW for Monday, September 26, 2022

by William Hamilton, Ph.D.

Capitalism-Liberalism vs. Socialism: Your choice

This November, we should learn a great deal about the mood of the American electorate. Ever since 9/11, one shock has piled up on another, all of them testing the grit of a people who would rather live in peace rather than in war. But the choice faced by our voters (hopefully, non-fraudulent) is not a choice between Conservatism and Liberalism. Mind you, there is nothing wrong with the Principles of Capitalism or the Principles of Liberalism. Both, in their seasons, have worked, in the main, for the betterment of humankind.

Socialism, and its malevolent cousin, Communism, are inherently evil. Without exception, governments rooted in Socialism, not to mention Communism, have impoverished their people while enriching a tiny ruling class.

Do not contend that Norway, Denmark, Sweden, and Finland operate Socialist economies. If you have been there, you know they run capitalist, free-market economies cuddled by the soft hands of Liberalism. If the Scandinavians operated Socialist economies, they would be as poor as Venezuela, Chad, Zambia, and Haiti -- to name only a few.

And so this November, it is important to examine the platforms of the contending political parties be they Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Progressive, or whatever. Yes, the personalities and characters of the candidates have a role to play; however, if by doctrine or performance, a party is rooted in the principles of Marxist Socialism, history tells us those who want to live in freedom should vote for some other party.

The threats posed to the peace and security of the United States by Socialism and its cousin Communism are so great that Socialism, in any of its many forms, including Fabian, should be rejected. Yes, the playwright George B. Shaw and others in England’s artsy world made Fabian Socialism fashionable in the 1930s. At the time, both Mussolini and Hitler were proclaiming to be Socialists. If Fabian Socialism had any effect back then, it was to delay Britain’s rearmament against the menace posed by Hitler, Mussolini, and Tojo.

Recall, Winston Churchill switched back and forth between the Conservative and Liberal Parties; however, Churchill’s great constant was his enduring and unalterable opposition to Socialism in any of it forms. Of course, during World War II, Churchill, as did Roosevelt, realized that Hitler and Mussolini could not be defeated without the help of the Communist Soviet Union. That was a marriage of survival that lasted only until Stalin dropped an Iron Curtain across Europe.

In 2022, Americans have no need for any marriages of survival. We can go to the polls. When warranted, we can apply for absentee ballots. We can even snatch a ballot floating down from the sky (in some States) and vote as our conscience tells us to vote.

Be aware the "woke" CNN and MSNBC fully support the Socialist agenda. The Big Three broadcast networks and Social Media often suppress good news about free-market Capitalism. So, in that sense, all the media, including The New York Times, the Washington Post, and the L.A. Times, work together with the overriding objective of protecting the Deep State.

Nota Bene: If we adopted the strict deportation policy of Martha’s Vineyard, the border crisis would be over.

©2022. William Hamilton.

©1999-2024. American Press Syndicate.

Dr. Hamilton can be contacted at:


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