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CENTRAL VIEW for Saturday, February 8, 2020

by William Hamilton, Ph.D.

Revolutions and Counter Revolutions: deja Vu

Historically, full-blown Revolutions replace the Ruling Class for a while with the Under Class. But, as the French Anarchist Sebastien Faure (1858-1942) sorrowfully confessed: "Every Revolution ends in the reappearance of a new Ruling Class."

The Fabian-Socialist Revolutionaries take an incremental approach, trying to win concessions from the Ruling Class bit-by-bit such as reduced working hours, and increased wages. The Fabian tactic is to maneuver the Ruling Class into the fate of an unwitting frog placed in slowly heating hot water.

The Marxist-Socialist-Communist Revolutionaries refuse to deal with the Ruling Class. Marx taught that the Under Class must be made to live lives of vengeful desperation until the Under Class explodes in violent Revolution that decapitates the Ruling Class.

So far, based on the executive orders Biden’s* handlers had Biden* sign, just which kind of Revolution his handlers intend is unclear. It could be as simple as repairing the damage done by President Trump to the Clinton-G.W. Bush-Obama Deep State. Or, it could be something more sinister such as replacing free-market Capitalism with a Soviet-style planned economy under one-party totalitarian rule.

The great economist Thomas Sowell characterized Obama as wanting to "take the United States down a peg or two." So far, Biden’s* executive orders increase U.S. dependence on foreign oil, focus our military on fighting climate change and supporting diversity, helping Iran along the path toward nuclear weapons, raising consumer costs, increasing taxes, and playing mouse to Red China’s cat. Ergo: Biden* 1.0 looks like Obama 2.0.

But is Biden* pursuing Socialism fast enough to achieve a true Socialism Revolution? To have a full-blown Revolution, you need four elements: 1. A large, impoverished, vengeful Under Class. 2. An oppressive, Ruling Class. 3. A huge crisis (think Covid-19). 4. Some Anarchists to throw bombs, kill people, set fires, and break things (think Antifa, BLM, and neo-Nazis thugs).

The reason America has not had a second Revolution thus far is because members of the Under Class have been given the freedom to work their way upward into the Middle Class. Pre-Obama, America was a nation with a shrinking Under Class and a growing Middle Class. Under Obama, America had a growing Ruling Class, a shrinking Middle Class, and a growing Under Class. But today’s Under Class is still too small to meet the needs of a total Revolution.

For now, Biden’s* handlers are enlarging the Under Class by opening our borders to low-skill immigrants. At the same time, they restrict the immigrants’ upward mobility by substituting welfare -- paid for by the shrinking Middle Class -- for self-esteem-raising honest labor. They use Big Education to teach the immigrants hatred for the Middle and Upper Classes. They inculcate a desire to destroy under the guise of "reparations," and to "cancel culture," clearing the way for the New Socialist State.

That almost sets the stage for a true Revolution. But, as History records, the Middle Class sometimes rises in opposition. So, borrowing from Mussolini, Stalin, Hitler, and Mao, the Revoluntionaries seize control of the organs of Communication (think Big Tech and MSM). Incommunicado and disarmed, the Middle Class is at a disadvantage. But what if the Middle Class will not go willingly into that dark Socialist night? That remains to be seen.

*election disputed

Suggested reading: George Orwell’s Animal Farm (1945), The Proud Tower by Barbara Tuchman (1966).

©2021. William Hamilton.

©1999-2024. American Press Syndicate.

Dr. Hamilton can be contacted at:


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