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CENTRAL VIEW for Monday, October 19, 2020

by William Hamilton, Ph.D.

Election 2020: A Time to Choose

Last week, "Central View" exposed the Transition Integrity Project (TIP) as a fraudulent war game. Interestingly, the leaders of the TIP include GOP neo-con William Kristol and a number of other RINOs. One has to ask: Why are these supposed conservatives supporting someone like Joe Biden?

Why support the frail, almost 78-year-old, head of the Biden Crime Family who has adopted the leftist political agenda imposed upon him by AOC, Bernie Sanders, and by the Marxist/BLM/Antifa wing of the Democrat Party? Granted, Kristol and the others do not like President Trump. But should personal animus be more important than the conservative principles they so long espoused?

Some say this presidential election is a contest between patriots who want to protect and defend the U.S Constitution vs. the Marxist insurrectionists who think America is inherently evil and America’s material riches deserve to be redistributed at home and abroad.

But there is also a third contest that columnist Hugh Hewitt calls a contest between "Capitol vs. Country." In other words, a third contest between the denizens of the Deep State or, if you will, the Elite Washington Establishment and President Trump’s efforts to "drain the swamp."

As former President Harry Truman famously said, "You can’t get rich in politics unless you’re a crook." So, how is it that so many men and women of modest means enter Congress and come out the other end as millionaires? Let’s face it. Ever since the end of World War II, the taxpayer dollars that funded the growth of the U.S. Government created a perpetual money machine that has enriched thousands of elected and appointed government officials beyond belief

Washington, D.C. is surrounded by the five richest counties in America. How can that be? Where does the money come from? Most of the money comes from you and me, the U.S. taxpayers. But millions come from foreign governments and from off-shore corporations willing to pay for favorable laws from Congress and for favorable regulations from Deep State bureaucrats. Amend a piece of legislation a certain way or twist a regulation a certain way, arrange a certain key introduction, and you don’t need to win Power Ball.

We can give this third contest any number of alliterative names such as: Pork vs. Patriotism, Cookies vs. Conscience, Swamp vs. Sense, and Money vs. Main Street. But voting for the Deep State is simply putting personal greed before principle.

Come Election Day, some will vote to defend American greatness. Some will vote to turn America into a socialist dictatorship. And some will vote to defend the income they get from the continued existence of the Deep State. And some will put their personal animus toward Donald J. Trump above all else.

And then there are those who won’t be able to vote in this election because they lost their lives in defense of our right to vote as we wish. As our family approaches the ballot box, we’ll be thinking of them.

Suggested reading: "In Flanders Fields" by Lt. Colonel John McCrae, May 3, 1915. Who Gets the Cookies: An investigative Inquiry into American Democracy by Michael A. Sego, (1975). How Democracies Perish by Jean-Francois Revel, Harper & Row, 1973. The Ruling Class: Inside America’s Imperial Congress by Eric Felten, Heritage Foundation, 1983.

(c) 2020. William Hamilton.

©1999-2025. American Press Syndicate.

Dr. Hamilton can be contacted at:


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